If you have a photoshoot with me, you should download your images directly from the link that I sent to you. Do not screenshot them. You should download them onto your laptop/desktop computer and place your order using those downloads, not from your phone. Phone apps can reduce the image size and quality. If family or friends would like to print the images, you should send them the link to your album. Social media also reduces the image quality, so they should not print images that have been downloaded from social media, even if sent via messenger.

I advise against printing your images at drugstores, Walmart, Target etc. You can order high quality prints through Sapphire Skies Photography. Please do reach out if you would like more information on printing your images. If you chose not to order your images with me, I recommend using www.mpix.com.

Not all print sizes will fit the dimensions of your images without cropping the image. The ratio of your images will be 3:2. I recommend choosing image sizes with the 3:2 ratio. These are 6x4, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, 20x30. If you choose another image size, your image will likely be cropped to fit into the alternative ratio. It helps to think about it in terms of a rectangle cake. In order to make it fit onto a square plate, you'd need to either cut some of the cake off, or you could smash it up, to force it to fit onto the plate, but that would ruin the cake. If you try to make your image fit into a photo size that does not fit well into the ratio, you will therefore need to crop some of the image.

If you have any questions regarding printing your images, please do not hesitate to ask me!

Young boy stood on a surf board on shallow water, he is looking down at the board, pink sunset sky in the background